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Mary Jo White & SEC

Anyone who thinks there will ever be change at the SEC, you better read this.  

What Makes the World Tick

It is interesting how people are married to a single idea and from that position they attack anything that negates that belief. The object of research is to DISCOVER causes and effects – to not support a predetermined outcome. Anyone can do that by selecting isolated data points. For centuries people assumed that all disease […]

Gun Shows Exploding in Attendance

Well Obama did it. Gun shows and sales are soaring. When Katrina hit, there was no rule of law. People had to protect their own property from criminals who if Obama has his way, will be the only people armed. The police even abandoned the prisons leaving many to drown and without food. Their policy […]

Congress to Investigate What Prosecutors Did to Swartz

They now say they will have a Congressional investigation over the suicide of Aaron Schwartz. The outrage of how the USA prosecutes crimes and then has the audacity to say China does not respect human rights when prosecutors do nothing but engage in mental torture to always get people to confess, is starting to dawn […]

Aaron Swartz – A Voice of Freedom Silenced

To federal prosecutors, Aaron Swartz was a criminal they drove to suicide. His death has sent a tidal wave through the online community worldwide. The additional culprit in causing his death is none other than MIT – the  Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Swartz was an accomplished hacker who was regarded as a digital prodigy and helped develop social-news […]

Hey Obama – Great Job! BTW: How You Became an Economic Slave.

Traveling around the world for 3 months hitting every place from Hong Kong, Beijing, SE Asia, over to Europe, I met with at least 30 government ministers, central bank committees, hedge fund managers, investors and bankers. A lot has changed in 25 years. I have been warning how Americans have been thrown out of the […]

Selling For Capital Gains B4 Yr End

Most of the big funds that had long-term gains this year have sold or are still selling to lock-in these lower tax rates before year-end. This is a phenomenon that has been caused by the Sovereign Debt Crisis and Obama being just brain dead when it comes to economics. Even stocks like Apple (AAPL) have […]

Warrantless Searches – How America Began is How it Ends

Warrantless searches are up substantintially and that will be the platform for collecting taxes. This is why 30,000 more IRS agents were hired to start with the Healcare in January. The constitution is completely dead. This was the very reason that sparked the American Revolution. As John Adams said and was quted by the Supreme […]

Sovereign Debt Crisis Interview

Inside Congress

Congress does not get it. Banks should be banks – not traders. I retired from making markets when the model said gold would decline after 1980 and indeed it did into 1999. My view, if I had to speculate to keep the business at that level of profit, I felt I might as well trade […]