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2014 Philadelphia Conferences March 2014

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2014 Seminars



2014-Cycle War Conferences

All Sessions will be held in Philadelphia to enable people to book just one hotel if they are attending all three conferences. The Cycles of War & Sovereign Debt Crisis will be held at the Philadelphia Convention Center between 1 and 5PM. The seating is limited and will be on a first come first served basis. This session will include an overview for what is coming and the outlook for Gold into the years ahead without the hype and propaganda – just the real facts.



The Training and World Economic Conference session will be held at the historic Loews Hotel built-in 1929 and completed in 1932. It was the first skyscraper and was originally a bank – quite appropriate. It has been naturally refurbished. (all three sessions available at $3950.00 including the Cycles of War & Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference at the Philadelphia Convention Center March 21, 2014)


Sunday March 23: One Day How to Survive Your Own Trading Decision (conference on how to do technical analysis and use cyclical analysis).This is a full day training session including all materials. This session is designed to help you cope with the markets that are going to be one of the most chaotic periods in history and certainly your life time

This special training session is design to provide a clear understanding of how to really trade from a strategic perspective – not day trading. This is designed to empower you with the skills and understanding how to strategically trade for the big money by trading the markets with the major trend.

Seating for this session is limited to ensure the audience is small enough to allow interaction and a true learning experience. Lunch will be served with the session as well.Seating is limited and priced $2,000.



2014-Mar 25-26 WEC Conference

8-cell-simpleTues-Wed March 25 & 26: Two Day World Economic Conference $2,000  This will include a review of the world economy and the global correlation of the world financial markets. We will also be providing a recommendation as to the best performers into 2015 – the big movers.We will be demonstrating our computer models and look at what will be the most dynamic aspect of the financial system that is changing and shifting preparing for the final conclusion to the Sixth Private Wave. We will be demonstrating the Fourth Dimension and how to employ this to survive and trade the years that lie ahead.

All Three Conferences $3.950.00