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Hillary Says She is No Different From Obama Who Also Took Money From Bankers

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Hillary Clinton continues to struggle against Bernie Sanders who has rightly pointed to her ties to Wall Street. They should put it out there straight: THE CLINTONS HANDED STUDENTS TO THE BANKERS. In an attempt to stand up to this criticism, which is really indefensible, Hillary said she is no closer to the nation’s largest banks than Obama who took a lot of Wall Street money in 2008. Obama reversed all the restraints on the banks in secret last-minute deals for year-end. This is not very comforting. Hillary, meanwhile, was paid $2 million last year by Wall Street just to speak for a few minutes here and there. And she will reform the banks? Good one!

ANY vote for ANY career politician is going to be a vote for the New York bankers. Many politicians (if not the majority) have invested with — guess who — Goldman Sachs. Others own stock in the company. Just how in the hell are we going to get any change from Capitol Hill? This tie to the New York bankers will be the undoing of the United States and the demise of all future pension funds. Just watch.